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C H A R L I E L U X E V I N T A G E - A L I C E C A T H E R I N E

Danielle Lizdek

We reached out to Alice last month after admiring her gorgeous vintage style, I always find myself pulled into her photos when scrolling through her feed . Her closet and home are filled with vintage treasures, glimpses of them are shared on her Instagram and blog with her effortlessly chic outfit pairings mixing smoothly alongside modern offerings .

We collaborated with Alice asking her to play with and style our vintage jewels. The photos from our collab can be found on our Instagram, Alice’s Instagram and throughout our chat here with Alice on vintage .


Alice, Your feed is filled with beautiful vintage styling from your home to your clothes- What age did you become interested in vintage ?

Thank you so much, that’s so kind! I think I’ve always been attracted to ‘old things’ for as long as I can remember. I’ve always loved History and Literature and I think those two things have definitely led me towards an interest in vintage pieces. Whether it’s spending the day in a museum or digging through an old book shop – I’ve fallen in love with the idea that everything has a story attached to it in some way or another. I also spent a lot of time at my Grandparents house in the Lake District growing up. They both loved collecting antiques and there was a big Grandfather clock in the hallway that used to fascinate me/creep me out a bit at the same time. My Mum sometimes says that I’m my Gran reincarnated – I think because we both gravitate towards the same traditionally ‘masculine’ style pieces. Gold signet rings, oversized striped blouses, and chunky shoes that some might consider ugly…

Is there a particular era you are most drawn to when choosing vintage items to wear and keep in your home ?

I love the Sixties/Seventies but mainly because I’m drawn to the spirit of those eras and what they represented in terms of women’s fashion/more freedom for female expression and just generally having more fun with personal style. I love Mid Century Modern style pieces for my home – my homeware taste is weirdly a lot more colourful than my wardrobe taste. I think it’s easier to express more sides of my personality throughout my home style, whereas I’ve definitely developed a bit of a uniform when it comes to my wardrobe. I think that just comes naturally with getting older and experimenting a bit less. In general, I think it really depends on my mood each day – I definitely don’t consider my style to be loyal to any particular era. Some days I’ll want to feel really classic 40’s/50’s inspired in a cream blouse, tailored trousers and a pearl necklace. Other days I might even look quite Nineties inspired in jeans, an oversized shirt and Converse. It’s all mood dependent, and usually whatever TV show/film I happen to be into at that time.

The jewellery on your Instagram photos has a lovely gold vibe to it, is there a certain style of jewellery you look for when hunting for vintage treasures ?

Definitely gold pieces! I love anything chunky with interesting stones. My jewellery is really where I like to make a statement, so I like it to feel a little bit ‘over the top’ sometimes. I collect vintage clip on earrings for example – I think it’s fun to add them to a really laid back outfit like jeans and a T-shirt. They just amplify any look and make getting dressed way more fun. I also love gold chains and signet rings. I have quite a few vintage pieces that I wear on repeat – I love how conversational jewellery can be, and I like everything I pick up to have a memory attached to it. Jewellery is such a personal thing and I definitely feel like something is missing when I forget to wear any. _______________________________ You were able to have a play with a wide range of our pieces from different eras all with a variety of styles, what was your favourite piece and how would you style it ?

I really loved the pearl necklace because it had such a gorgeous vintage clasp! I think details like that are really what make vintage jewellery feel so special. I also loved a lot of the gold chains because they were fun to layer together. Layering jewellery is always like a bit of a jigsaw puzzle – I’m forever adding things and then removing them again until I find a combination that really works.

Finally, do you have any tips on figuring out what styles of vintage to go for and what to look for when buying vintage ?

These days, I just go with what I’m most attracted to! I don’t really think about trends too much as I get older – I know what suits me and makes me feel my best. In terms of clothing, I always pick fabrics that feel nice on the skin, and don’t take anything home that requires too many repairs. Life is too short and it’s likely not to get worn! When it comes to jewellery, always ask questions if you’re buying online and there’s not enough imagery. I’d also recommend investing in real gold/silver pieces because they have real value and you can pass them on if you get bored of them – costume jewellery is fun but it just doesn’t last. I’d much rather build up a collection of well crafted pieces over a lifetime. I think that’s what makes a jewellery box so special and meaningful! My Grans was like a treasure chest and I used to love imagining where she wore specific pieces and how she might have styled them… ————————————————

We loved working with Alice and talking all things vintage . If you would like to follow Alice on Instagram you can find her at @alicecatherine , and to keep up to date with her posts you can find her blog at where shes shares everything from fashion, vintage through to lifestyle and activism .


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